By link

Each meeting invitation includes a unique link to a login-free form where you can register or update your attendance. The link is only valid during the time you can register attendance and stops working after the date and time specified together with the link in the meeting invitation.

  1. Click the link in the meeting invitation to open the form meeting_invitation_outlook
  2. Add a new meeting attendance by clicking "Add +" (you can add multiple meeting attendances if needed, save each registration before opening a new one)
    • Enter the start and end time you attended the meeting
    • Enter number of kilometers and number of people who rode in the vehicle if own vehicle was used
    • Tick the box "Other" if you have other travel expenses, send relevant receipts etc. to the email address at the checkbox
    • Click "Save"
  3. You can change an existing registration by changing the relevant form, or delete an existing registration by checking the box next to , and clicking "Save" attendence_full_form